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We aren't all Mary Berry. If, like me, you require a little more help than "make reversed pastry" or "cream the fondant until thick" I'm here to talk you through each stage step by step. Just imagine me, perched there on your Formica counter top, prattling.

If that grabs your fancy, then grab and apron and read on! (Otherwise,just shoo me away, I have other imaginary persons to bother.)

They say failed artists become critics. I'll jump straight to the critic stage and work my way backwards. If you want an honest- though entirely subjective- account of everything from A Night In the woods to Mario party, come on in and leave a comment- let's bitch together. 

Charting 5 years of news and reviews as Youth Correspondent, see how our little Devonshire hive has evolved over time. 

From turnip whittling to salt dough creatures, let's see what havoc we can wreak on the art world, shall we?

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